
Monday, October 06, 2008

Books, podcasts and tea

I am still slowly reading Acedia & Me: A Marriage, Monks, and a Writer's Life by Kathleen Norris. I will try to blog about this. For now suffice to say that I keep thinking I need to quote or tab (I can't bring myself to write in a first edition) on every page. It is a book that is worth reading slowly.

I am re-reading Agatha Christie's Murder at the Vicarage; I love mysteries and really felt like reading one with Miss Jane Marple.

I listened to two podcasts by Fr. Thomas Hopko on Ancient Faith Radio - really good. One on the saints and their intercessions and one on what he would say for a commencement address. I found myself listening and thinking why did no one tell me what he is telling me when I was in University!!

Must go to bed early; feel like I could get a cold again and am to fly to Halifax DV this weekend. I bought a box of lemon tea in hopes of avoiding sickness. It does not help that my apartment building does not have the heat turned on yet and it is COLD. There is a Frost Warning for tonight. Did I mention that I am moving?

Thank God for such blessings in books, podcasts, good teaching on the spiritual life, and the simple enjoyment of a cup of lemon tea.


  1. I absolutely love Fr.Tom's podcast.
    such unflinching truth and wisdom.

    I have yet to receive Kathleen Norris through the library.

    and are you taking vitamin C? the deacon also swears by echinacea, but I don't prefer it. :P

  2. Fr. Tom is great... my spiritual father describes him as 'dynamite'...

    you will have to let me know what you think of K. Norris; have you read her before?

    am taking Vit. C; thanks for the reminder.

    now if only i could sleep the night through, i would be all set!

  3. Amen!

    I am trying to remember if I've listened to his podcasts, I definitely enjoy his writing.

  4. what books of Fr. Tom's have you read Mimi? i have yet to read any...

  5. I hope you are warding off your cold! I have found drinking Kefir (Nancy's Organic Raspberry) seems to sustain my immune system. Liquid Vitamin B in large doses (it's safe) also helps with energy.

    Will have to listen to the podcasts.

  6. I am trying to ward off the cold! thanks for the suggestions...

    have never seen Kefir (Nancy's Organic Raspberry) here in Ottawa... is what you are refering to the sour milk drink that is Russian?

  7. I jsut came back to this, sorry. How was your trip?

    I have read "The Lenten Spring" and the "Winter Pascha" a good bit of the Rainbow Series, and many articles.

  8. Hi Mimi... thanks!

    Winter Pasca... this is about Advent? sounds like a book I should read... I think I remember seeing this at my church bookstore in Michigan...

    I need to read more of him, that is becoming clear!

  9. Yes. It's a good one to read as you progress through Advent, it is my recollection (which could be fuzzy) that it is broken into daily chapters.
